Risk scores by country
Get risk scores by model and country.
Path parameters
Risk score model (see values below) or custom model (if you have access to bespoke risk scores)
Values are
, orsupplychainrisk
. -
Country code
curl \
-X GET https://app.countryrisk.io/api/v1/riskscores/aml/aut/ \
-H "Authorization: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"model": {
"description": "ESG Risk Score",
"url": "https://www.countryrisk.io",
"source": "CountryRisk.io Ltd",
"version": "v1",
"updateDate": "2019-11-20",
"type": "ESG Risk Score"
"entity": {
"geoType": "country",
"worldBankClassification": "High income",
"countryCode": "SWE",
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"countryName": "Sweden",
"regionName": "Europe & Central Asia",
"oecdMember": true
"results": [
"dataQualityCategorical": "Very Good",
"shareIndicatorsAvailable": 0.888,
"score": 11.831,
"countryUniverse": 186,
"timestamp": "2019-12-31",
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"ratingLetter": "AA+",
"ratingNumeric": 2,
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"type": "current",
"dataQualityNumeric": 5,
"countryRank": 3
"sections": [
"reference": "EconomicGrowthProspects",
"results": [
"dataQualityCategorical": "Very Good",
"weight": 16.216,
"timestamp": "2019-12-31",
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"riskPoints": 83,
"score": 5.533,
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"type": "current",
"dataQualityNumeric": 5,
"riskPointsMax": 1500
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"defaultWeight": 0.15,
"name": "Economic Growth Prospects"
"reference": "Institutions",
"results": [
"dataQualityCategorical": "Good",
"weight": 10.811,
"timestamp": "2019-12-31",
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"riskPoints": 0,
"score": 0,
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"type": "current",
"dataQualityNumeric": 4,
"riskPointsMax": 700
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"defaultWeight": 0.1,
"name": "Institutions & Governance"
"indicators": [
"scoring": [
"threshold": "< 50%",
"riskPoints": 100
"threshold": "< 100%",
"riskPoints": 50
"threshold": "< 150%",
"riskPoints": 0
"threshold": ">= 150%",
"riskPoints": 10
"name": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
"reference": "imf_ara_metric",
"currency": null,
"url": "http://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/ARA/index.html",
"section": "ExternalDebtSustainability",
"results": [
"data": {
"name": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
"value": null
"riskPoints": null,
"score": null,
"timestamp": "2019-12-31",
"type": "current",
"riskPointsMax": null
"lastUpdated": "2019-11-18",
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": false,
"source": "International Monetary Fund",
"frequency": "Annual",
"shortName": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
"unit": "%",
"description": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio"
"scoring": [
"threshold": "< 2",
"riskPoints": 0
"threshold": "< 4",
"riskPoints": 25
"threshold": "< 6",
"riskPoints": 50
"threshold": "< 8",
"riskPoints": 75
"threshold": ">= 8",
"riskPoints": 100
"name": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
"reference": "HazardExposureIndex",
"currency": null,
"url": "http://inform-index.org/",
"section": "Social",
"results": [
"data": {
"name": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
"value": 0.6
"riskPoints": 0,
"score": 0,
"timestamp": "2019-12-31",
"type": "current",
"riskPointsMax": 100
"lastUpdated": "2019-11-18",
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"source": "INFORM",
"frequency": "Annual",
"applicableFlag": "All countries",
"shortName": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
"unit": "Index",
"description": "The hazard & exposure dimension reflects the probability of physical exposure associated with specific hazards. There is no risk if there is no physical exposure, no matter how severe the hazard event is. Therefore, the hazard and exposure dimensions are merged into hazard & exposure dimension. As such it represents the load that the community has to deal with when exposed to a hazard event. The dimension comprises two categories: natural hazards and human-induced hazards, aggregated with the geometric mean, where both indexes carry equal weight within the dimension."
Response examples (200)
"model": {
"type": "string",
"version": "string",
"updateDate": "2025-05-04",
"description": "string",
"source": "string",
"url": "https://example.com"
"entity": {
"geoType": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"countryName": "string",
"regionName": "string",
"worldBankClassification": "string",
"oecdMember": true,
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true
"results": [
"timestamp": "2025-05-04",
"type": "history",
"score": 42.0,
"regionalScore": 42.0,
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"riskPoints": 42,
"riskPointsMax": 42,
"ratingNumeric": 42,
"ratingLetter": "AAA",
"shareIndicatorsAvailable": 42.0,
"dataQualityNumeric": 1,
"dataQualityCategorical": "Very Poor",
"countryRank": 42,
"countryUniverse": 42
"sections": [
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"name": "string",
"reference": "string",
"defaultWeight": 42.0,
"description": "string",
"SDGnumber": 42,
"results": [
"timestamp": "2025-05-04",
"type": "history",
"score": 42.0,
"sdgColor": "string",
"sdgColorInterpretation": "string",
"sdgTrendArrow": "string",
"sdgTrendInterpretation": "string",
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"riskPoints": 42,
"riskPointsMax": 42,
"dataQualityNumeric": 1,
"dataQualityCategorical": "Very Poor",
"countryRank": 42,
"countryUniverse": 42,
"weight": 42.0
"indicators": [
"resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
"name": "string",
"reference": "string",
"shortName": "string",
"source": "string",
"url": "https://example.com",
"description": "string",
"defaultWeight": 42.0,
"frequency": "string",
"unit": "string",
"currency": "string",
"lastUpdated": "string",
"section": "string",
"scoring": [
"threshold": "string",
"riskPoints": 42.0
"applicableFlag": "string",
"results": [
"timestamp": "2025-05-04",
"type": "history",
"score": 42.0,
"riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
"riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
"riskPoints": 42,
"riskPointsMax": 42,
"sdgColor": "string",
"sdgColorInterpretation": "string",
"sdgTrendArrow": "string",
"sdgTrendInterpretation": "string",
"countryRank": 42,
"countryUniverse": 42,
"weight": 42.0,
"data": {
"name": [
"value": [