Risk scores by country

GET /riskscores/{model}/{country_code}/

Get risk scores by model and country.

Path parameters

  • model string Required

    Risk score model (see values below) or custom model (if you have access to bespoke risk scores)

    Values are aml, esg, sdg, sovereign, or supplychainrisk.

  • country_code string Required

    Country code


  • Detailed risk scores by model for the specified country.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • model object

      Risk model definition.

      Hide model attributes Show model attributes object
    • entity object

      Geographical information.

      Hide entity attributes Show entity attributes object
    • results array[object]

      Risk score information.

      Hide results attributes Show results attributes array[object]
      • timestamp string(date)


      • type string

        Flag if the data is based on historic, current or projected/forecasted data.

        Values are history, current, or projection.

      • score number

        Model risk score where higher values indicate higher risk with the exception of the SDG Index where a higher value indicates better SDG performance.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

      • Regional model risk score. Only available for the SDG Index.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

      • Model risk category (numeric) where higher values indicate higher risk.

        Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

      • Model risk category from very low to very high risk.

        Values are Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or Very High.

      • riskPoints integer

        Absolut number of risk points.

        Minimum value is 0.

      • Maximum number of risk points possible based on available underlying data.

        Minimum value is 0.

      • Numeric rating.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 21.

      • Letter rating.

        Values are AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A-, BBB+, BBB, BBB-, BB+, BB, BB-, B+, B, B-, CCC+, CCC, CCC-, CC - C, or D.

      • Share of available data used for calculating the model risk score.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.

      • Data quality score where higher values indicate better data quality.

        Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

      • Data quality category.

        Values are Very Poor, Poor, Medium, Good, or Very Good.

      • Risk rank.

      • Number of countries considered for risk rank.

    • sections array[object]

      Risk section information.

      Hide sections attributes Show sections attributes array[object]
      • Flag if there is a time series available for the section result.

      • name string

        Name of risk section.

      • Reference of risk section.

      • Weight of risk section of overall risk score result.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.

      • Description of risk section.

      • SDGnumber integer

        Reference to SDG number. Only available for SDG Index.

      • results array[object]

        Section risk score information.

        Hide results attributes Show results attributes array[object]
        • timestamp string(date)


        • type string

          Flag if the data is based on historic, current or projected/forecasted data.

          Values are history, current, or projection.

        • score number

          Section risk score where higher values indicate higher risk with the exception of the SDG Index where a higher value indicates better SDG performance.

          Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

        • sdgColor string

          SDG color information. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG color interpretation. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG trend information. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG trend interpretation. Only available for SDG Index.

        • Model risk category (numeric) where higher values indicate higher risk.

          Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

        • Model risk category from very low to very high risk.

          Values are Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or Very High.

        • riskPoints integer

          Absolut number of section risk points.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • Maximum number of section risk points possible based on available underlying data.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • Data quality score where higher values indicate better data quality.

          Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

        • Data quality category.

          Values are Very Poor, Poor, Medium, Good, or Very Good.

        • Risk section rank.

        • Number of countries considered for risk section rank.

        • weight number

          Rescaled weight of risk section of overall risk score result based on available section results.

          Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

    • indicators array[object]

      Indicator information.

      Hide indicators attributes Show indicators attributes array[object]
      • Flag if there is a time series available for the indicator.

      • name string

        Indicator name.

      • Indicator reference.

      • Indicator short name.

      • source string

        Indicator source.

      • url string(uri)

        Indicator url.

      • Indicator description.

      • Indicator weight in section result.

      • Indicator frequency (e.g. annual, monthly, ...).

      • unit string

        Indicator unit (e.g. millions, billions, kg, ...).

      • currency string

        Indicator currency (e.g. USD, GBP, ...).

      • Indicator date of last update.

      • section string

        Reference to risk section.

      • scoring array[object]

        Indicator scoring information.

        Hide scoring attributes Show scoring attributes array[object]
        • Thresholds for indicator assessment to risk categories.

        • Risk points associated with risk categories.

      • Information if the indicator is limited to certain country groups.

      • results array[object]

        Indicator risk score information.

        Hide results attributes Show results attributes array[object]
        • timestamp string(date)


        • type string

          Flag if the data is based on historic, current or projected/forecasted data.

          Values are history, current, or projection.

        • score number

          Indicator risk score.

          Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

        • Indicator risk category (numeric) where higher values indicate higher risk.

          Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

        • Indicator risk category from very low to very high risk.

          Values are Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or Very High.

        • riskPoints integer

          Indicator risk points based on underyling data and mapping to risk category.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • Maximum number of risk points possible based on mapping to risk category.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • sdgColor string

          SDG color information. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG color interpretation. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG trend information. Only available for SDG Index.

        • SDG trend interpretation. Only available for SDG Index.

        • Indicator risk rank.

        • Number of countries considered for indicator risk rank.

        • weight number

          Rescaled weight of indicator based on available data.

          Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

        • data object

          Raw data information.

          Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
GET /riskscores/{model}/{country_code}/
curl \
 -X GET https://app.countryrisk.io/api/v1/riskscores/aml/aut/ \
 -H "Authorization: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
  "model": {
    "description": "ESG Risk Score",
    "url": "https://www.countryrisk.io",
    "source": "CountryRisk.io Ltd",
    "version": "v1",
    "updateDate": "2019-11-20",
    "type": "ESG Risk Score"
  "entity": {
    "geoType": "country",
    "worldBankClassification": "High income",
    "countryCode": "SWE",
    "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
    "countryName": "Sweden",
    "regionName": "Europe & Central Asia",
    "oecdMember": true
  "results": [
      "dataQualityCategorical": "Very Good",
      "shareIndicatorsAvailable": 0.888,
      "score": 11.831,
      "countryUniverse": 186,
      "timestamp": "2019-12-31",
      "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
      "ratingLetter": "AA+",
      "ratingNumeric": 2,
      "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
      "type": "current",
      "dataQualityNumeric": 5,
      "countryRank": 3
  "sections": [
      "reference": "EconomicGrowthProspects",
      "results": [
          "dataQualityCategorical": "Very Good",
          "weight": 16.216,
          "timestamp": "2019-12-31",
          "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
          "riskPoints": 83,
          "score": 5.533,
          "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
          "type": "current",
          "dataQualityNumeric": 5,
          "riskPointsMax": 1500
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
      "defaultWeight": 0.15,
      "name": "Economic Growth Prospects"
      "reference": "Institutions",
      "results": [
          "dataQualityCategorical": "Good",
          "weight": 10.811,
          "timestamp": "2019-12-31",
          "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
          "riskPoints": 0,
          "score": 0,
          "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
          "type": "current",
          "dataQualityNumeric": 4,
          "riskPointsMax": 700
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
      "defaultWeight": 0.1,
      "name": "Institutions & Governance"
  "indicators": [
      "scoring": [
          "threshold": "< 50%",
          "riskPoints": 100
          "threshold": "< 100%",
          "riskPoints": 50
          "threshold": "< 150%",
          "riskPoints": 0
          "threshold": ">= 150%",
          "riskPoints": 10
      "name": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
      "reference": "imf_ara_metric",
      "currency": null,
      "url": "http://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/ARA/index.html",
      "section": "ExternalDebtSustainability",
      "results": [
          "data": {
            "name": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
            "value": null
          "riskPoints": null,
          "score": null,
          "timestamp": "2019-12-31",
          "type": "current",
          "riskPointsMax": null
      "lastUpdated": "2019-11-18",
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": false,
      "source": "International Monetary Fund",
      "frequency": "Annual",
      "shortName": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio",
      "unit": "%",
      "description": "IMF Reserves Adequacy Ratio"
      "scoring": [
          "threshold": "< 2",
          "riskPoints": 0
          "threshold": "< 4",
          "riskPoints": 25
          "threshold": "< 6",
          "riskPoints": 50
          "threshold": "< 8",
          "riskPoints": 75
          "threshold": ">= 8",
          "riskPoints": 100
      "name": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
      "reference": "HazardExposureIndex",
      "currency": null,
      "url": "http://inform-index.org/",
      "section": "Social",
      "results": [
          "data": {
            "name": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
            "value": 0.6
          "riskPoints": 0,
          "score": 0,
          "timestamp": "2019-12-31",
          "type": "current",
          "riskPointsMax": 100
      "lastUpdated": "2019-11-18",
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
      "source": "INFORM",
      "frequency": "Annual",
      "applicableFlag": "All countries",
      "shortName": "Hazard & Exposure Index",
      "unit": "Index",
      "description": "The hazard & exposure dimension reflects the probability of physical exposure associated with specific hazards. There is no risk if there is no physical exposure, no matter how severe the hazard event is. Therefore, the hazard and exposure dimensions are merged into hazard & exposure dimension. As such it represents the load that the community has to deal with when exposed to a hazard event. The dimension comprises two categories: natural hazards and human-induced hazards, aggregated with the geometric mean, where both indexes carry equal weight within the dimension."
Response examples (200)
  "model": {
    "type": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "updateDate": "2025-05-04",
    "description": "string",
    "source": "string",
    "url": "https://example.com"
  "entity": {
    "geoType": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "countryName": "string",
    "regionName": "string",
    "worldBankClassification": "string",
    "oecdMember": true,
    "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true
  "results": [
      "timestamp": "2025-05-04",
      "type": "history",
      "score": 42.0,
      "regionalScore": 42.0,
      "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
      "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
      "riskPoints": 42,
      "riskPointsMax": 42,
      "ratingNumeric": 42,
      "ratingLetter": "AAA",
      "shareIndicatorsAvailable": 42.0,
      "dataQualityNumeric": 1,
      "dataQualityCategorical": "Very Poor",
      "countryRank": 42,
      "countryUniverse": 42
  "sections": [
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
      "name": "string",
      "reference": "string",
      "defaultWeight": 42.0,
      "description": "string",
      "SDGnumber": 42,
      "results": [
          "timestamp": "2025-05-04",
          "type": "history",
          "score": 42.0,
          "sdgColor": "string",
          "sdgColorInterpretation": "string",
          "sdgTrendArrow": "string",
          "sdgTrendInterpretation": "string",
          "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
          "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
          "riskPoints": 42,
          "riskPointsMax": 42,
          "dataQualityNumeric": 1,
          "dataQualityCategorical": "Very Poor",
          "countryRank": 42,
          "countryUniverse": 42,
          "weight": 42.0
  "indicators": [
      "resultsTimeSeriesAvailable": true,
      "name": "string",
      "reference": "string",
      "shortName": "string",
      "source": "string",
      "url": "https://example.com",
      "description": "string",
      "defaultWeight": 42.0,
      "frequency": "string",
      "unit": "string",
      "currency": "string",
      "lastUpdated": "string",
      "section": "string",
      "scoring": [
          "threshold": "string",
          "riskPoints": 42.0
      "applicableFlag": "string",
      "results": [
          "timestamp": "2025-05-04",
          "type": "history",
          "score": 42.0,
          "riskClassificationNumeric": 1,
          "riskClassificationCategorical": "Very Low",
          "riskPoints": 42,
          "riskPointsMax": 42,
          "sdgColor": "string",
          "sdgColorInterpretation": "string",
          "sdgTrendArrow": "string",
          "sdgTrendInterpretation": "string",
          "countryRank": 42,
          "countryUniverse": 42,
          "weight": 42.0,
          "data": {
            "name": [
            "value": [